Why Choose Us


Family is so important to us at MHHC. We always stick together and want the best for your family and our community.


Our case managers oversee all visits, answer all clinical questions and read all orders. Every case is well thought out to give you the best patient care.


No matter what health condition or financial status you are in, We respect you and guide you and your family in the right direction.


Every staff member at MHHC are background checked and fingered printed. We know how important it is to feel safe at home. Our staff members are clean cut and there for you if need anything. We provide training and education opportunities to all members at MHHC.


If you don’t have compassion in what you do in life then you better stop now. We at MHHC hire staff truly care and welcome you to our family. Each member of Merry wants to help people and are very experienced home health care professionals.


You can contact us anytime…no matter what, someone is able to answer your questions. You can message us online and we will respond the same day.